Online Children's Magazine from India
Mauna Kea is a 4,205-m-high dormant volcano on Hawaii. Measured from its underwater base, Mauna Kea is 1,356m higher than Mount Everest. It ranks as the world's highest island peak. Since it is at such a high altitude, astronomers have installed a dozen large infrared telescopes on the summit of Mauna Kea.
One of the telescopes, the 10-m-wide multi-mirror Keck Telescope, is the
world's largest optical telescope, twice the size of the Hale on Mount Palomar. Completed in 1992, its huge mirror is made up of 36 hexagonal mirrors, about 1.8m across. The telescope is housed in a high protective dome. A television monitor allows astronomers to view what the telescope sees.
Situated at a height twice that of any other major observatory, viewing conditions at Mauna Kea are ideal, with calm, clear and cloudless nights throughout the year.
Last updated on :9/23/2006
Dimdima is the Sanskrit word for ‘drumbeat’. In olden days, victory in battle was heralded by the beat of drums or any important news to be conveyed to the people used to be accompanied with drumbeats.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
K. M Munshi Marg,
Chowpatty, Mumbai - 400 007
email : editor@dimdima.com
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
505, Sane Guruji Marg,
Tardeo, Mumbai - 400 034
email : promo@dimdima.com
Dimdima.com, the Children's Website of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan launched in 2000 and came out with a Printed version of Dimdima Magazine in 2004. At present the Printed Version have more than 35,000 subscribers from India and Abroad.