Online Children's Magazine from India
In NZ, secondary school is even called as High School, Grammar School or even College. They have different subjects such as English, Social Studies, Science, Maths & so on. The students move to different rooms, according to their subjects. All subjects have their own department & each department has a Head of the Department. Continuous assessments are there throughout the year. Reports are written twice a year & given to students. There is something called as ‘ Parent Interviews’. This means, the parents or caretakers come to meet the teachers to discuss about their child’s progress. This is done twice a year. The Newsletter is given to students once a month, which contains details about the school & its activities during that month. This Newsletter also goes out in the community. It is called the Newsletter, as it contains the news about the school & the community. All schools have a ‘Sick Bay’. If a child is sick, then he goes there & takes a rest. They also have a ‘Nurse Aide’, who is trained to impart medical assistance. All secondary schools have more than hundred teachers. They don’t have a fixed text book, but teachers’ have a resource room where they can collect information. They have started NCEA system of assessment. Every school has its own ‘Charter or Mission’, which means they have their goals written. All students, teachers & other members of the school have to abide by this Charter. The ERO (Education Review Officer ) visits the school once in 3 years & the minutes of this report is published in the school newsletter & also in the local newspaper. Every school has a ‘Decile Ranking’ which grades the school on a 10 point scale, where 10 is high & 1 is low. Alongwith the Principal, all schools have a Deputy Principal & an Assistant Principal who carry out important tasks within the school. Every subject has its own curriculum document & it is divided under different sections called as ‘Strands’. All schools have a special programme for the ‘Gifted Students’. These students have an entry test, so that schools can separate them from the rest. Special programme is designed for these gifted students, so that they can accelerate in their learning areas. Even the slow learners called as ‘Special Needs’, have activity based learning strategies. Every assignment is corrected & commented by the teacher. This is done to enhance learning. The BOT ( Board of Trustees) play an important role in the school functioning
Dimdima is the Sanskrit word for ‘drumbeat’. In olden days, victory in battle was heralded by the beat of drums or any important news to be conveyed to the people used to be accompanied with drumbeats.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
K. M Munshi Marg,
Chowpatty, Mumbai - 400 007
email : editor@dimdima.com
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
505, Sane Guruji Marg,
Tardeo, Mumbai - 400 034
email : promo@dimdima.com
Dimdima.com, the Children's Website of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan launched in 2000 and came out with a Printed version of Dimdima Magazine in 2004. At present the Printed Version have more than 35,000 subscribers from India and Abroad.