By Rani Iyer
The scent of Sandal incorporates in our daily life in many ways. Joss sticks, paste, scent, soap, essential oil, and statues or carvings are some examples. Therefore it is difficult for any Indian to believe that Sandalwood tree could be endangered. It is becoming increasingly rare to find a mature tree in the forests where they were once abundant.
For nearly 5,000 years, Sandalwood has been mentioned in ancient Indian, Chinese and Egyptian manuscripts. Sandalwood, called Santalum album in Latin is a native tree in southern parts of India. It belongs to the family Santalaceae. It can grow up to 15 meters tall in dry deciduous forests. It is a root parasite in the early stages of it's life.
The heartwood of a mature tree is fragrant and used for carving, extraction of oil and used in folk medicine. A tree has to grow up to 60 years before it can produce good quality heartwood from which oil can be extracted. In recent decades, trees are rarely allowed to grow for such a long period.
Another species of Sandalwood that occur in Australia, Indonesian archipelago, Paupa New Guinea, New Caledonia, Sandwich Islands and other islands in the Pacific are different from the Indian Sandalwood. The Indian Sandalwood is unique and is in great demand the world over. The demand for sandal drives people to substitute Erythroxylum, Pterocarpus, Amyris balsamifera (West Indian Sandalwood) and Santalum rubrum (Red Sandalwood, which does not have fragrant heartwood).
From 1792, when the Sultan of Mysore declared it a royal tree, the Indian Sandalwood is a Government monopoly. Mysore is called as 'Sandalwood city'. Even if the tree grows on private land the Government owns it, although no direct laws exist to protect the species. Use of Sandalwood is approved by ancient Islamic, Parsi, Jewish, Christian and other traditions around the world. Thus Sandalwood has a universal appeal.
Systematic exploitation, poaching, infestation due to disease, and indiscriminate felling of forest trees have all contributed to the decline of sandal in the wild today. By education, careful use of resources, we can perhaps revive the sandal by the turn of next century.
Last updated on :10/27/2003
User's Comments
Please send us information on the type of climate and soil required to grow sandalwood trees.
Renee R. Someda:
We have come so far from 'living, as it was meant to be' (in Eden), and the original plan for our design, that sad to say most people don't even know much about the purposes and healing properties of such plants as the sandal. I have come to realize that I would like to do what I can to help restore this once native plant to this beautiful garden island that I am fortunate to call home. If anyone would like to support me in this quest, please don't hesitate.
PS. I also realize that current events run parallel to biblical prophecy, which tells me the truth keeps unfolding and unveiling itself... makes me think of the world, restored... without sin and destruction or death of any kind. Good health and Peace.
Anil Bhardwaj:
I would like to grow a Sandalwood tree, how can I get a sapling?
Nelly Carlson:
I would like to grow a tree. How?
I would like to grow a Sandalwood tree.
G.R.Niranjan kumar:
I am growing sandal wood trees. I want to know about the cutting of sandal wood tree. How much the grower get (% of profit)at the time of cutting.
Prabhat Sinha:
I have lots of sandalwood trees in my farm but I need accurate information about how to grow sandalwood trees
Give me some information on how to grow
Anantha Padmanabha:
I read your article on sandalwood. I have written a book on sandalwood and I am consultant for Forest Products Commission, Govt of WA. I am also doing consultancy on the plantation activity in India. I am glad to answer questions relating sandalwood. We have developed technology to harvest sandalwood at 12 years and as a short rotation crop.
My tel.No. 080 26792528
Thank you for your interst in sandalwood.
Can you tell me about how to grow the sandalwood tree and more information about the trees e.g. which kind of sandalwood trees grow fast, what climate do they require, can we do business of the trees legally and what are the issue regarding the business.
I have recently been to Bangalore and bought 25 no. of sandalwood plants for Rs 15 each . I am staying in Chattisgarh and have around 5 acres of land and want to plant sandalwood in it.
I want to know if any govt. permission needs to be taken, how many plants can be planted in one acere of land. what profit will I get after 12 years.
Please send me the details on how to grow the sandalwood tree?
Manoj Kumar:
This is the page which has given me the hope of fulfilling my dream of having a sandalwood tree in my backyard.
I live in Maharashtra & I will like to plants in my agriculture land in around 5 acres so please guide me in detail ( I want to do it on Professional basis)
I need your assistance- please send to me the history of Sandalwood growth and productivities in the past and the present specially from East Timor (Part of Timor Leste) and West Timor part of Indoensia I believe that your information is very important to me.
Can I purchase a sandalwood sapling and have it shipped to me so that I can grow it in my greenhouse in New York?
I would like to grow a Sandalwood tree, how can I get a sapling? Please send me the details on how to grow the sandalwood tree?
How to grow sandalwood tree?
Sunil Kumar Suman:
Please provide me the full details regarding plantation of Sandalwood in a large scale. I have my enough agricultural land in which I would like to plant more than 2000 sandalwood plants.
Thanking you
Give details about snadalwood types and its photographic image so I can also plant it.
K. Bonshahi:
I want to grow sandalwood (Santalum Album) in N.S.W. Australia. Please supply me information how to propogate seelings. Thanking you in anticipation
Yours truly,
L Thomas:
I have a very rare heart defect and a source suggested I try having a sandalwood tree. Can you please tell me where I may find one?
Ashok Sethi:
I wish to grow sandal trees on 6 Acres land owned by me near Chandigarh. Please advice how to proceed further.
Ashok Sethi
Please send me full length picture of sacred sandal wood tree
Joseph Tiong:
Can you advise me what sort of soil and climate are suitable for Sandal Wood?
I'd like to plant Sandalwood in Kenya, I know they grow wild, but I don't know where to get seedlings. Anyone willing to buy my crop when its grown?
I plan to grow sandlewood.
Looking for information about seeds and saplings.
Mahendra Baviskar:
It's a very good site.
vinay mishra:
I am doing reaserch on sandal so please provide me latest researches & all medicinal uses of sandal.
Shina Alagia:
I have many rare Indian and thai trees in my garden. As my tiny effort of conservation, I would like to grow sandalwood tree. Where do I get seed/sapling of white Sandal? How long do the seeds stay viable and how to grow one? Any feedback is highly appreciated. Thanks
Please inform me the details of Sandlewood Plantation with all relavant details as to its climate requirements, area, water, temprature required etc.....
Hiren Mehta
J. Rose:
Im trying to sprout sandalwood seeds, I know it is not impossible, nothing is impossible. Any advice will be GGGRRREEEAAATTTLLLYYY appreciated!
sherjung singh virk:
please inform me the details of sandalwood plantation & also with relevant details like climate , temperature, water etc. I will be highly thankful to you.
hi how can I buy sandalwood tree?
Dr Shaheen Usmani:
Thank you for revoking the interest in a tree that has been forgotten. I am working on a paper related with the medicinal value of sandalwood specially in depression/brain injuries.
I would appreciate any help in this regard. I live in Toronto and currenlty a professor in Psychology. I am also doing an online course in acquired brain injuries from George Washington University ,USA.
gobind goklani:
Hi I am interested in growing the sandalwood from the seeds. Please inform where can i obtain the high quality sandalwood tree's seeds. I wish to do re-planting in the pacifics.
Rajendra H.R.:
Dear sir,
I would like to grow tissue cultured plants of sandalwood on commercial basis kindly guide me. 09820146891
Please provide me the full details regarding plantation of Sandalwood in a large scale. I have my enough agricultural land in North Gujarat and I would like to plant more than 20,000 sandalwood plants.
Please inform me the details of Sandlewood Plantation with all relavant details as to its climate requirement area,water,temperature required etc.
TEL. No. +91-2767-220100/221162
FAX. NO. +91-2767-221803
MOBILE NO. +91-9825077781
WEBSITE http:/
I am interested in propagating some of the traditional temple trees (sactred treed) like champaka, Ashoka( saraca indica), punnaga, kadamba, nagakesara, bakul, parijatha, redsanders, sandalwood etc,. I am on the lookout for sandalwood seeds. I am in a position to supply redsanders seeds to the needy.
I'd like to know how I can get sandalwood seedlings to grow them in Kenya
sasi madisetty:
I like to find a nursery that sells sandalwood seedlings and seeds in U.S.A.
Nitin U. Patil:
I came to know that there are two types of sandal trees. For one round leaves & for second is long leaves as shown in picture on web. Please give me more information.
Please provide me the full details regarding plantation of Sandalwood in a large scale. I have my enough agricultural land in Andhra and I would like to plant more than 10 acres of sandalwood plants. Please inform me the details of Sandalwood Plantation with all relevant details as to its climate requirement area, water, temperature, cost.
edward ith:
I would like to grow a tree. How?
T. Lee:
I would like to grow Indian Sandalwood (Santalum Album). Please tell me about how to germinate Santalum Album seed? and How to grow the tree?
I would like to plant sandalwood tree please, can you give me how to plant and where can I get the seeds of the tree?
Pls give growth rate of sandalwood in 12-15 years , heartwood rate.
Patrick MILIMO, Kenya:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm interested in the domestication of the African sandle wood species (Osyris lanceolata) which might have some ecological and physiological similarities with the ones under cultivation in India/Asia.
We have yet not identified and characterized parasitic and mycorrhizal associations, including species involved. Do you have any advise you (your members) would like to share on this subject? For example, I would like to know how you ensure introduction of parasitic relationship at the nursery phase? Do you and/or any of your members know publications that would shed some light on these issues and others?
Could anyone Please email any information on growing sandlewood trees i.e soil, climate etc. We live in Western Australia.
Many Thanks.
rahul verma:
Please send us information on the type of climate and soil required to grow sandalwood trees.
I would like to grow a tree. How?
what kind of fertilizer can be used to grow up the plant?
Pravin Desai:
Please give me informations regarding plantation of sandal wood tree, what type of weather condition, types of soil, duration after witch we can have a commertial benifits, from seeds/ plants availability in Gujarat to sales of oil and wood after plantation
Pravin Desai
+91 94277 68163
Sir, I would like to grow tissue cultured plants of sandalwood on commercial basis kindly guide me. I STAY IN GUJARAT AND HAVE CULTIVABLE LAND HERE..PLEASE DIRECT ME...9376628211.
sk mohata:
Need guidance for sandalwood plantation in 5 acres of agri land near nagpur, immediately.
Best Regards
SK Mohata
Send me the information to grow s.album. Where will I get a plant to grow.
I would like to grow Indian Sandalwood (Santalum Album). Please tell me about how to germ S.Album seed? and How to grow the tree? Thanks. Botan
I would like to grow Indian Sandalwood (Santalum Album). Please tell me about how to germ S.Album seed? and How to grow the tree?
zuhair nabee:
I have a farm land in maharashtra which has abundant water supply being in the vicinity of a dam and a hydroelectricity generating facility. The farm land is not at sea level. There are many wild growing wooded trees in the area. I want to grow Sandalwood trees of the Indian variety. Please advise how to go about it. please email me contact details to my email id:
jhansi lakshmi:
Please send me the address from where I can buy Indian sandalwood sapling.
R. Blagogee:
Please inform me about how and from where I can obtain sandalwood seeds/seedlings to plant.
I am from Bangalore. I sell sandalwood plants and seeds at mysore sandal soap factory. I am into the bussiness from past 7 years people. Intersted in plantation can call me 9845355530 and my Email id:
Nabin Baral:
Would you please send me some websites that maintain good data on Sandalwood plantation. I would also like to discuss with other people who are interested in planting sandalwood.
Please give me information for sndalwood tree and seed plants availability.
Sushil Bhatt:
I would like to grow sandal plants in my orchards situated at Banswara ( Southern part of Rajasthan), Please let me have information about it.
Neelima Pradhan:
I am in USA, originally from Raipur, (Madhya pradesh). I am interested in buying saplings for sandal wood. Would appreciate your help . Thank you.( I am contacting one of the user from your web, Girija shankar, will let you know how that works out.) If anyone interested in contacting me to sell some exotic and rare plants from India, please email me
Hello sire
I am a Cambodian
How can I sell the Sandal wood?
How much they can buy from me?
How much does it cost ?
I hope to hear you soon.
Dyn From Cambodia
vijay kumar nadagoud:
Hello sir, I want information on sandal wood
1. climate, soil and cultivations parasites.
2. recent area, production and productivity: WORLD, INDIA.
3. export quantity, value and unit price.
Maxine Makena:
I live in Kenya and would like any update on how to obtain seeds or seedlings for the African sandal wood species (Osyris lanceolata). Let me know and thanks in advance.
Sir I want to grow the plants of Sandal wood at Gurgaon having approx 15 ACRES LAND.
Robert Williams:
I too am interested in growing the sandalwood tree. Seeing the answers to the other questions would be nice also. I need climate and all info you have available. Also need seeds/saplings pricing and shipping info. Indiana USA
Dalvee S. Singh:
Sir I like to know about the Sandal wood farming that which type of weather,water and land is required and what are the govt. rules and regulations for growing sandal wood. Thank you
Hello Sir, I live in Khammam Dist, Andhra Pradesh, I would like to know full details for growing Sandal Wood plants right from Sow to reap stages.
I am interested in growing sandalwood in usa.
Can you please let me know where I can get the saplings or seeds ( if they exist )
We would like to sell our sandalwood in about 8-10 plant about 30 years of age. Kindly let us know about the purchasers interested in detail.
thank you
Darci Alves Paulino:
I would like to grow a Sandalwood tree, how can I get a sapling?
Sir I like to know about the Sandal wood farming that which type of weather,water and land is required and what are the govt. rules and regulations for growing sandal wood. Thank you.
Omondi Julius:
I am particularly interested in knowing the products made from sandal wood and their effects in our vast cultures. If someone has domesticated the crop or grown them wildly in the bush, there are people who are interested in buying them.
I wish to maintain a nursery for sandal. pl advise me regarding the laws controling such nursery and sale of saplings. thank you.
meet mehta:
sir i am from gujarat. i want to plant sandlewood trees in gujarat near navasari. is it possible?
if possible how can i do all this? plz guide regarding this?
I live on the sunshine coast in queensland, australia & would like to grow sandlewood trees on my 1 acre of land. I need to know how and where to get Indian sandlewood and what other plants are best for them. also info about soil,watering climate etc. but mostly where to get trees and how to start them off. how close and at what stage to put the host plant in.look forward to your response about salantum album.
regards judy
I am from tamilnadu. I want to know the Indian sandalwood varieties. Which is used for oil extraction.
How to differentiate the different varieties by appearance. Where can I get reliable saplings?
Deepa Sharma:
I want to know about sandal tree, how they grew and what types of precaution.
Just like everyone else I would like to get a Sandalwood sapling, how? And would it have a chance in Seattle Wa.? Thanks
Please provide me the full details regarding plantation of Sandalwood in a large scale. I have my enough agricultural land in tamilnadu and I would like to plant in two acres sandalwood plants. Please inform me the details of Sandlewood Plantation with all relavant details as to its climate requirement area,water,temperature required etc.
I have my land in Navasari. I want to grow sandle wood plants in it. so what are the requirements for this farming?
Zoli Bonta:
I live in Hungary, Europe & would like to grow sandlewood trees on my subAlpine climate land.
I need to know how and where to get Indian sandlewood sapling and what other plants are best for them. Also info about soil,watering climate etc. But mostly where to get trees and how to start them off.
Please help to create a small parkland of India in Hugary, Europe! Regards zoli.
sir, i am in latur dist. from maharashtra (india) in my farm lot's of sandalwood plant grow naturally. so can i do this sandalwood farming & how?
Saleem Abbasi:
Hi I live in Islamabad, Pakistan and want to buy sandal wood seedlings but I dont know any place from where I can buy seeds.
if you know any website or if you can send them to me then please let me know i will be thankful for that.
Please give total information on redsanders cultivation.
I want to know about the plantation of sandalwood .
bharat ghadiali:
can you give information for sandalwood tree.
swati tyagi:
I wana know about Utilization of sandalwood oil.
k madhusudana reddy:
I am looking for plantaion of red sanalwood in my agricultural land. But wanted to know the rules governing plantation in andhra pradesh.
jayesh kheka:
I am growing sandal wood trees. I want to know about the cutting of sandal wood tree.
Madan Gopal Khemka:
I would like to grow sandal wood tree in southern part of nepal. please send information on same.
Hasmukh Bhaga:
We all Know that Sandal wood trees will be gone forever only if we conserve the trees and if we can plant more then we cut the trees.
If anyone can tell us where we can buy Seeds of this great plant, even if we can buy plants. Please comment.....
Pl advice me about REDSANDERS as I wish to cultivate in 30 Acres.
I wish to know the future and prospects and also the price& seeds/plant availability in Tamilnadu. Thank u bye. G Srinivasan
I would appreciate if I could know the favorable climate to grow Saraca Indica tree.
devendra sutar:
I want to grow a sandal farm. Please send me the conditions required to grow such a farm. How can I get a sapling of it
plz send me the details.
How can I grow the sandal wood tree in vietnam? The aquillaria is it good for the weather there. In vietnam they grow 5 year and install the decease for the tree ...after that havesting after 7 years. is it right?
I want to grow a sandal farm .pls send me the conditions required to grow such a farm. how can I get a sapling of it pls send me the details.
rekha dwivedi:
It was very informative. But I want to know where do I get seeds to plant sandalwood tree.
Ateca. Taginasedrau:
I would like to know how to grow sandalwood trees in Fiji - from germination methods, soil type, care, growth etc.
Arti Sharma:
I live in brisbane on 10 acre property.I want to grow Sandal wood trees on my land .My soil has acid sulphate ? do I need to improve the soil and can I grow.
I am living in Bangalore. I want to know if any govt. permission needs to be taken for plant and grow the sandalwood, how many plants can be planted in one acre of land. what profit will I get after 12 years.
Hemanta khanal:
i want to know about the nursery of red sandal.can you please give me the information regarding this.
I have a farm land in Tamil Nadu which has abundant water supply facility. The farm land is not at sea level. There are many mango tress growing in the area. I want to grow Sandalwood trees of the Indian variety. Please advise how to go about it. please email me contact details to my email id:
salim otieno alois:
Please let me know how I can grow sandal trees in western Kenya.
I want to cultivate sandle wood in rajasthan falna. Please give me details. how much time it can grow & economy of its cultivation
dadaji khairnar:
I am living in NASIK -Maharashtra state. I want to know if any govt. permission needs to be taken for plant and grow the sandalwood, how many plants can be planted in one acre of land. what profit will I get after 12 years.
Nitin Patel:
please provide me the details regarding plantation of sandalwood, I have agriculture land in Kutchchh dist. in Gujarat state and i would to like to cultivate in 2 acres of sandalwood plants. please tell me the details of cultivate the sandalwood with all relavant details as to its climate requirment, area, water, temparature etc.
Bhavesh Thakkar:
hi to all.. well I stay in Bangalore and have 3 acre of land I have got all the information of sandalwood tree plantation ... but what I want to know is from where should I take the permission to grow them legally...
zuhair nabee:
Where can I buy Sandalwood tree saplings?
Khairnar D D:
please send me information about plantation of sandalwood & economics abt it.
Where can i get tissue cultured sandalwood plants. Please recomend which is better--- regular sandalwood plants or tissuecultured ones. Thanks, Nemiraj
Dr. Tarik Talom:
I want to plant sandalwood in hilly areas in Arunachal Pradesh in a big way. Kindly inform me from where I can get sapplings for plantation. And will hilly tropical conditions like Arunachal Pradesh, the eastern most part of India suitable for sandalwood cultivation.
Me and my friends have plan to Plant Teak and Sandlewood trees.
We thought buy some acres of Land in Sathyamangalam - Erode district. Can you please let us know the climate and the procedure to get into this.
Thanks and Regards
manmohan nayak:
I want to grow sandle wood in 11 acrs of land kindly advice how many plants I can plant,What are the host palnts I shoud put so that I can get the running expenses till harvesting such sandle wood. Whether the drum stick plant can be used as a inter crop with sandle wood. Whether I can harvest sandle woods after 12 years if yes please advice what are the legal fermalities required . (I am a native of Orissa)
Manmohan Nayak
I want to grow sandalwood, I have enough land to grow ,can you pls tell me where we get plants.
sir, can I know if any body is planting sandal wood in karnataka other than the government so that we can see theirs.
Thank you
Kevin Wild:
Where can I get Indian Sandalwood seeds? How much do they cost? Are they available in Australia?
k nageswararaao:
One limited firm want to grow sandal wood tamilnadu I want to know about the cutting of sandal wood tree.and want to know rules of govt to implement this plantation How much the grower get (% of profit)at the time of cutting.can I know if any body is planting sandal wood inTamilnadu other than the government so that we can see theirs. Thank you
Md amjad:
where can I get indian sandalwood plants & seeds in bangalore or mysore.
I would be thankful if you kindly provide me the soil conditions and climatic requirements for the cultivation of red sandle wood. in Tamil Nadu.
25th November 2008.
Dear sir./ madam,
please furnish the details regarding plantation of sandalwood, I have agriculture land in coimbatore dist. in tamilnadu and I would to like to cultivate in 2 acres of sandalwood plants. please tell me the details of sandalwood cultivate and all relevant details. Thanking you sir/ madam
subrata chatterjee:
I want to purchase good quality white and red sandalwood tree saplings for my garden. Where can get them in India.
subrata chatterjee:
I want to purchase good quality white and red sandalwood tree saplings for my garden. Where can get them in India.
subrata chatterjee:
I want to purchase good quality white and red sandalwood seeds and saplings and saplings of neelambur teak. Pl contact me in my number 09339145332
dinesh patel (vanani):
I want to grow sandalwood with more than 15 acres, pls give me all details from birth to use of sandalwood,rate of mature tree,my farm is located in saurastra
Is it legal to grow sandlwood tree?
Please send us information on the type of climate and soil required to grow sandalwood trees.
I wish to purchase 1000 nos of guranteed quality sandalwood plants to plant in my farm near chennai. Can u pl supply if yes the rate. If not can u pl let me know who can supply. Thanks.
Er, Ratnaraj:
Our C System trust have the sandalwood plantation . For morde details mail us
Thanking you
shrikunj kabra:
We have developed high yielding sandalwood seeds which we are exporting to various countries.
I can provide you hybrid quality sandalwood saplings, which yield 10 times more than normal sandalwood seedling.
Interested parties may contact me
(m) +919827575759
Vidya K Baglodi:
It is interesting to know that there are so many like minded persons interested in growing sandalwood trees and I am also interested in getting a few plants for my garden and as I am visiting Mysore I would appreciate if you can help me with the address and details where I can buy sandalwood plants, cactus plants, spice plants, medicinal plants etc for my home collection.
Suhasini Fredrick:
I require details of sandwood farming in Chennai. Where can saplings be purchased?
Those who intend to know about the Sandalwood Tree / Cultivation methods / Procurement of Saplings may contact us through our e-mail ID :
How much minimum years does it need to cut a sandal wood tree to get profit in the area like assam. Will it be profitable in assam
hasmukh Vadi:
I require details of sandwood farming in Sabarkantha. Specially I require Fertilizer requirement of Sandle wood in Drip Irrigation
Shirin BS:
Mrs. Kanta Prasada:
I want to get sandalwood plant in shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh. what is the procedure ?
Joshua Mosoti Orina:
I would like to join in the campaign against sandalwood destruction.
Kindly provide me with information on how to plant this endangered tree in Kenya.
bosco dcosta:
pls let me know about sandalwood cultivation
in 5 acres of land in goa.with project report
Vidya K Baglodi:
Thank you for this wonderful site of information. I managed to get my sandalwood saplings from Pillikula Nisargadhama in Mangalore who organise flower show and this year they had the sandalwood saplings and told me to grow it along with the plant which was given with it as it happens to be a support system for it. It has really come out well in my garden and also I was lucky to get a lot of my medicinal plants from them and the rest of the spices from Madigere where you can get them in any nursery.
Amarpal Singh:
Please provide the details of soil and environment required for SandalWood cultivation.
Mcshane Pereira Mumbai:
What is the policy of the govt of india on sandal wood plantations?
I like to know more about the sappling of Sandalwood. I like to grow sandalwood in the southern part of Mizoram. If u can send me more in details I shall me much grateful to you.
I want to know where i can get good saplings and at what price and after harvesting who are the buyers.
I want to know how can I do farming of sandalwood and from where I can get its plant or seeds?
I want to know how to grow sandal wood tree.
Kabiru Joseph Mwende:
I have an Idle 1 acre plot in Central Province and I would like to grow the Sandalwood trees. Please direct me on how I can source the seeds or seedlings here in Kenya.
Please send us information on the type of climate and soil required to grow sandalwood trees. Also, please let us know whether we can grow teek wood along with sandal wood.
I want to know the details about sandal wood plantation and cultivation also I want to know the policies of govt regarding in the cutting stage. Also I want to know the sandalwood plant growth details.
Preet Basra:
Please send us information on the type of climate and soil required to grow sandalwood trees. Also is any permission from any government authorities needed? Please let me know the legalities and formalities required.
sameer shinde:
I am sameer shinde from Rise N shine biotech pune. I wanted detailed list of company names with website addresses producing tissue culture plants of santalum album outsdide India. Pls let me know waiting for your reply.
I am a brazilian researcher in botanical area.
I would like to get some seeds of Strychnos nux vomica (musti, yanadi?)
Can you give me informations about.
Here in Brazil i have many kinds of tress in my farm. I can to pay for seeds.
I have sandalwood seeds and saplings for sale.
Let's all grow this evergreen sandalwood tree and save this tree from extinct!
Dilip Patel:
I live in Phoenix arizona. How can I grow sandal wood tree? Is the climate good for this tree here?
Please send us information on the type of climate and soil required to grow sandalwood trees and what is the policy of the govt of India on sandal wood plantations?
Micheal manoj.M:
what is the policy of the government of India on sandal wood plantations?
How much minimum years does it need to cut a sandal wood tree to get profit.
I want to purchase good quality white and red sandalwood tree saplings for my garden. Where can get them in India?
plabon bhuyan:
I have recently been to Assam and bought 250 nos. of sandalwood plants for Rs 35 each . I am staying in Assam and have around 20 acres of land and want to plant sandalwood in it. I want to know what profit will I get after 12 years and whom to sell the trees?
I want to know the details about sandal wood plantation and cultivation. Also I want to know the sandalwood plant growth details.
Dinesh B.G.:
Please send me some information regarding tissue culture of sandalwood plants and where I will get seeds or plants in Karnataka and how many years it will take to grow.
Ashish Gautam:
Can we grow sandalwood in Jaipur. Can you ship us white sandalwood saplings and if yes then at what rate including the shipment cost. Please let me know the legalities associated as well.
Jena r.:
I want to plant sandal wood.
I want to plant sandal wood tree in a few acres of land,please provide the details for this.
Where can I get Information on Indonesian Sandalwood?
shrikunj kabra:
We have developed high yielding sandalwood seeds which we are exporting to various countries. I can provide you hybrid quality sandalwood saplings, which yield 10 times more than normal sandalwood seedling. Interested parties may contact me (m) +919827575759 email-
I want to know the details about sandal wood plantation and cultivation also I want to know the policies of govt regarding in the cutting stage. Also I want to know the sandalwood plant growth details.
I would like to grow Good variety of teak and sandal wood, kindly let me know where I will get the same in mysore- karnataka
gyan singhvi:
I have a farm land in Kutch and interested in sandalwood plantation. Request to guide me.
Ankit Patel:
Hi i have 5 acres of land in navsari. I want to irrigate sandalwood in that land .so please let me know what are the requirement for that regarding climate condition ,water ,land.what is the total cost to irrigate sndalawood in 5 acres? And howmuch profit i will get after howmany years?is there any permision required from government?please grant my request
I want to know the details about sandal wood plantation and cultivation also I want to know the policies of govt regarding in the cutting stage. Also I want to know the sandalwood plant growth details
Sheryl Lee:
I would like to grow a Sandalwood tree, how can I get a sapling?
I have 1 acre of land in Nasik. I want to irrigate sandalwood in that land .so please let me know what are the requirement for that regarding climate condition, water, land. What is the total cost to irrigate sndalawood in 5 acres? And how much profit I will get after how many years? Is there any permision required from government?
Hi I require good quality sandalwood saplings, and also share and advice on its cultivation.
Sir, I have 20 acres near pondicherry in Tamilnadu where I WANT TO GROW VALUABLE SANDAL WOOD TREE PLANTATION. 1) Where can I get the good / quality sandal wood saplings? 2)How much profit shall I earn in 10 to 15 years? 3) Is there ANY PERMISSION REQUIRED FROM THE GOVERNMENT HERE? OR ANY RESTRICTION IN FORCE IN GOVERNMENT OF TAMILNADU? Kindly send the informations by email or mobile:9884008393. Thanks. Bye
dr narendra sharma:
Sir, I have 3 acres land near hyderabad. Please let me know about sandalwood plantations, my number is 09848224422 and email is
sankar prasad chatterjee:
Please send me a few full size plant photograph.
karri srinivas reddy:
I would like to know about your sandal wood plantation and buy back from you. I am interested to grow sandalwood in 100 Ace land near Hyderabad just within reach.
Hi. I'm from Meghalaya. Can you please let me know the nearest place from where I can get Sandalwood seeds. Thanks.
Toni Mae:
I want to know how to grow sandalwood, beginning with seed germination, soil preparation and recomended distance between trees.
Dr. Arabinda Sinha, CEO:
Please quote price of Sandalwood saplings.
We (Sarala - a Microfinance institution) would like to buy 1,000 saplings for distribution to poor women of West Bengal, India.
viliame raivakatuku:
Please can you send me the different photos of different varities of yasi (sandalwood) that we have here in Fiji.
mukesh rajpurohit:
hello sir/madam I have my own farm house near Jodhpur in Rajasthan. I want to grow sandalwood tree. Is it possible? I am waiting for your response accordingly. Thank you
How to grow sandal tree? please reply.
The article is good. I too wanted to setup a sandlewood farm on professional basis. can any one help me by giving useful information in this regard.
I would like to plant a sandalwood sapling in my garden in New Delhi. Is there anywhere in the Delhi area where I can purchase saplings?
Jone Maivalili:
I am from Fiji and interested in farming sandalwood trees in Fiji on a commercial scale. Please send me information on the cultivation and also the chances of acquiring seedlings.
Urmila Chandanaveetil:
I would like to grow sandalwood tree in Queens, NY is it possible? and how can I do it? -
I know that in my ancestral home back in India we did have sandalwood. I would really be interested in knowing more about Sandalwood Trees.
Tina Nemeth:
I would like to find out how to grow a sandlewood tree. I have 1 acre.
How to get a single plant of Sandalwood in Delhi. Is there any nursery that is authorised to sell and to teach how to grow the plant well in Delhi.
Please send us information on the type of climate and soil required to grow sandalwood trees.
Sandal wood is an indegenious tree in North Pare mountains, Tanzania. In the ninties, the Indians discovererd this and sent their agents to harvest the trees.
sushil patil:
I would like to know more about sandalwood plantation, its soil condition and cultivation please give me idea for that.
I would like to grow Indian Sandalwood (Santalum Album). Please tell me about how to germ S.Album seed? and How to grow the tree? Thanks. lasith
sachin magdum:
Can you please tell us what type of climate and soil is required to grow sandalwood trees?
sachin magdum:
Dear sir, Please guide us, is sandlalwood plantation feasible in Kolhapur, Sindhudurg, Ratnagiri areas of Maharashtra?
What is the process of Germination in Sandal wood trees?