Online Children's Magazine from India
The bloodroot or the red puccoon is a flowering plant which got its name because of the colour of its orange-red sap. The sap is present in the entire plant. The Red Indians of North America, where this plant grows in the wild, used the sap as warpaint.
The leaves are deeply lobed and kidney-shaped and grow on stalks, directly from the ground. Each stalk has a white or rose-tinted flower at the end.
The bloodroot is used in medicine to shrink tissues. It is also used to make dyes.
Last updated on :12/13/2004
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Dimdima is the Sanskrit word for ‘drumbeat’. In olden days, victory in battle was heralded by the beat of drums or any important news to be conveyed to the people used to be accompanied with drumbeats.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
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Dimdima.com, the Children's Website of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan launched in 2000 and came out with a Printed version of Dimdima Magazine in 2004. At present the Printed Version have more than 35,000 subscribers from India and Abroad.