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Select a Standard
Growing up with time (Std I)
Know Your Body (Std I)
Discover the word (Std II)
Get the pests – you are the best (Std II)
Unscramble the jumble (Std III)
Teething Problems (Std III)
Starch in Me? (Std IV)
Internal Affairs (Std IV)
Food Web (Std V)
The sky above you (Std V)
Crystal Creation (Std VI)
We are there but cannot be seen (Std VI)
Formula of chemical compounds (Std VII)
Element word search (Std VII)
Get the pests – you are the best (Std II)
This activity can be given after the topic “need for cleanliness” has been taught.
To help the child
i) recognise the pictures of pests.
ii) write the name of the pest, correctly spelt.
Instructions to teachers:
Make photocopies of the cross word and the pictures given (next page) and distribute them amongst the children. Help the child to identify the pictures given and complete the crossword. The first letter of each word is given.

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