Online Children's Magazine from India
Rahul and Rishi were at it once again today. They were forever fighting. Every day Mrs. Thomas, their class teacher had to sort out their problems as they would get into a fight over something or the other. One day it would be Rahul who pushed Rishi or some day it would be Rishi who had taken some thing of Rahul's.
The teacher tried to solve the problem by making them sit in two corners of the class, but then they would get into a fight in the recess time. Try as she might she could never restore peace between them.
One day Mrs. Thomas discussed this problem with her colleague Mrs. Deshpande and Mrs. Deshpande said she had the perfect sollution to this and told Mrs. Thomas what she should do.
Mrs. Thomas got the opportunity to put her plan into action that very day when once again Rahul and Rishi were found fighting in the class. She asked both of them to meet her after the class. And one by one she called them into the staffroom.
Mrs Thomas' plan was to explain them about unity. Yes, she was successful in her plan.
R.Manoj Kumar
Mrs.Thomas said "Have you heard the story of the two goats crossing the narrow bridge?What is the reason for their death?". "It is because they fought" they said together and dropped their head in shame. From then on the children did not fight
First was Rishi's turn to enter the staffroom. She appreciated his art work and Rishi was surprised and shocked as to how she knew about his talent. Mrs.Thomas revealed that Rahul always loved his art. Rishi's happiness knew no bounds when he came to know about Rahul's liking of his work. The teacher now felt their differences could be sorted. Rishi before leaving the room told that he always liked Rahul's handwriting and left the room. It was now Rahul's turn and he received an appreciation for his good and neat handwriting and a penset as a gift too. Rahul was thrilled to receive this from a teacher. He was excited to know that Rishi loved his written work. They returned home and the next morning Mrs Thomas was happy to make them class representatives. The whole class was surprised to see them work together in class. The teacher was happy to see them together and they too felt very bad for their past behaviour in class. They thanked their teacher for building a lasting bond between them. The classes were lively and there were no more fights in class.
She said to each of them, "GOD has given all of us a very short life. So we should not waste it by fighting with each other. We should exchange LOVE for LOVE & NOT WAR for WAR." These Words of the teacher touched the boys' heart & they never fought with anyone thereafter.
Kaushal Rao
Mrs Thomas told Rahul and Rishi that she will give them timeout if they fight again. Because they will get timeout if they fight, Rahul and Rishi did not fight again and became friends.
Sheetal Rao
Mrs Thomas said that she will give stickers to Rahul and Rishi if they don't fight with each other again. So Rahul and Rishi became friends because they did not fight anymore.
There, in front of the teachers she pulled down Rishi's pants. Rishi started crying and Rahul started laughing. Rishi then pulled up his pants.T his time Rahul's pants were pulled by the teacher. He started crying but Rishi didn't laugh, he quickly pulled up Rahul's pants and calmed him. They left the staffroom. On the way Rahul asked Rishi why did he help him,Rahul answered that he knew what it felt like. Soon,in class everybody heard the news and started making fun of them. Therefore they planed that if everyone will make fun of them and not make friend with''jerks'', they should stick up for their selves and help each other. Therefore Mrs.Thomas was successful.
R.nivedha VISHALI
Mrs.Thomas' plan was to explain about unity. YES, SHE WAS SUCCESSFUL IN HER PLAN
A . sanjana
Teacher told them that if they fight again they will be given a T.C.
Mrs.Thomas told them that if they stopped fighting they will be given high marks at the next test !!
juhi agarwal
She told them you are friends. Don't you know why? Because those who fight the most are best friends. Then the boys realised that they were best friends.
''If you fight no one will talk with you & you will have no one's support, you will become alone & helpless. If you want any emergency help no one will help you. So if you have friendliness with each other there are many advantages for you both. so, this is my piece of advice to you two'', she said
She told them if they continued fighting they would loose every important thing in their life as no one would trust them..... and she was certainly successful......
Mrs.Thomas said that if they fight again , they will not get to go to recess and if they stopped fighting they would be able to earn a sticker.
nirupama chandrasekhar
Mrs Thomas said if you fight again you will get a detention each and I will tell your parents. But if you don't fight you would get some sweets and a certificate each. So the boys stopped fighting and they got the sweets and the certificates as promised.
Ayuta Mohanty, Bhubaneswar
The teacher gave Rishi a gift and a note and told Rahul had given it. She did the same thing with Rahul. When Rishi opened the gift in his home at night, he found it was his favorite storybook that he wanted from many days. And in the note there was written “For my best friend Rishi, it is a symbol of love, trust & friendship. From Rahul.” Rishi was in tears & he was ashamed of himself because he could not understand his friend & always fought with him. When Rahul opened his gift in his home at night it was his favorite video game. And in the note there was written “For my best friend Rahul, it is symbol of love, trust & friendship. From Rishi.” Rahul was also in tears. Both then decided to apologize. Next day after the classes were over both told sorry to each other & promised their teacher that they would never fight. Their teacher gave a chocolate and an ice cream each. They ate it and went home together & never fought again.
First was Rishi's turn to enter the staffroom. She appreciated his art work and Rishi was surprised and shocked as to how she knew about his talent. Mrs.Thomas revealed that Rahul always loved his art. Rishi's happiness knew no bounds when he came to know about Rahul's liking of his work. The teacher now felt their differences could be sorted. Rishi before leaving the room told that he always liked Rahul's handwriting and left the room. It was now Rahul's turn and he received an appreciation for his good and neat handwriting and a penset as a gift too. Rahul was thrilled to receive this from a teacher. He was excited to know that Rishi loved his written work. They returned home and the next morning Mrs Thomas was happy to make them class representatives. The whole class was surprised to see them work together in class. The teacher was happy to see them together and they too felt very bad for their past behaviour in class. They thanked their teacher for building a lasting bond between them. The classes were lively and there were no more fights in class.
Shalini (chennai)
Mrs.Thomas called rahul and told him that she is going to dismiss rishi from school as he is the reason for fight at all times, and he disturbs the classes. She told that hereafter rahul will be happy as rishi will not be there to fight against him, and asked him to go to the class happily. She called rishi inside and told the same reason, and mentioned that she is going to dismiss rahul from school, and asked him to go to class happily. After the school gets over, all the students went home except for rahul and rishi. They both felt guilty for their act, and wanted to ask for forgiveness. Mrs Thomas was waiting for this moment. She was watching both of them from the window side.Both of them came closer, and said sorry. They felt ashamed of their act. Now Mrs.Thomas entered the classroom, and told that every thing she told was not true, and she wanted to make them realize their fault. Now she had succeeded in it. Both rishi and rahul promised her, that they will be friends forever, and they will the role model for friendship.
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Dimdima is the Sanskrit word for ‘drumbeat’. In olden days, victory in battle was heralded by the beat of drums or any important news to be conveyed to the people used to be accompanied with drumbeats.
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
K. M Munshi Marg,
Chowpatty, Mumbai - 400 007
email : editor@dimdima.com
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Dimdima.com, the Children's Website of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan launched in 2000 and came out with a Printed version of Dimdima Magazine in 2004. At present the Printed Version have more than 35,000 subscribers from India and Abroad.