Snake Saviour
39-year-old Snehal Bhatt of Vadodara has been one of India’s leading crusaders for animal rights, and for the rights of snakes and reptiles in particular. She has led a crusade to rescue India’s most dangerous snakes — cobras, vipers, and giant pythons. She began a career as a social worker, but felt that animals needed her help more than people.
In 1993, she founded the Gujarat Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Aided by a group of dedicated volunteers, she runs the GSPCA from her home in Vadodara. The GSPCA rescues animals seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Over the past decade, Ms. Bhatt and her volunteers have rescued thousands of snakes and released them in areas far from human habitation.
In addition to rescuing animals, Snehal has been a forceful opponent of practices like snake charming, in which snakes are defanged, ultimately leading to their death. In doing battle with the snake charmers, Ms. Bhatt has been threatened many times. Today, however, largely due to her efforts, Vadodara is free of snake charmers. Ms. Bhatt runs educational programmes to teach the public about snakes and why they shouldn’t be killed. Recently, she helped start another SPCA in Valsad.
Ms. Bhatt lives with her son Zubin, as well as with dozens of orphaned animals of every description. She says she is just doing her duty to nature. “I know snakes cannot speak. But the gratitude in their eyes when they’re saved, when they’re released, is something that I live for. We have to save our wildlife and for that we need more dedicated people. I am sure the day is not far when there’ll be lots of Snehals in this country.”
Last updated on :7/12/2004
User's Comments
Glad this is going on in the otherwise bad world
I like this. I'm from Surat, but now I'm in Nashik. My hobby is that I'm interested in snake catching. I want to open a snake farm in Nashik as I am much interested in snake caring. I have much experience in snakes as I think that they are friend of mine. I wish that you would help me to make my dream come true.
Dr Gowri:
Snehal Bhatt has no doubt carried on a crusade. But if her work is encouraging people to think of starting snake "farms" , this crusade probably needs better spelling out.
Great job Snehal Bhatt. Keep going on this. I want to make people aware about reptiles. We want to broadcast her great effort in our TV programme. If I can have her address and contact email please kindly give me information if you can provide. We are thinking of filming it for 10 days from 17 May. So pls kindly let me know.
I stay in Goa and get a lot of snakes in my property, would like to know where I can buy snare poles in India
N Archana Amaresh:
I'm interested in doing my future study in setting up a snake farm and making snake venom a commercial viable proposition which not only gives a chance to the endangered reptile to surive but also gives livelihood to the charmer please kindly respond to this mail. N Archana Amaresh
Hi, who is she N Archana Amaresh her thought is same as mine.
vishal g thakur:
Hay, mam, Keep it up.
chetan thakur:
Hello Ms Bhatt. Infact not only snakes but every creature in this beautifull world has its own value. No doubt snakes are exceptional. If they are dangerous to life they are life saver too. Just keep it up.
vishvanath shinde:
hey...this is awesome these are the real people ...even I study snakes and have spent lot of time finding species never seen before on the streets and in the bush. I stay in Mumbai now. If there is any GROUP I can join in this work...please let me know. Eagerly waiting.......
I am a regular trekker and would love to have more knowledge on how to handle them in the wild . Ms Snehal bhatt direct me to some organisation for the same
I am susan and I am doing my MSc in Electronc Media. I do trekking and my dad has taught me how to tackle with snakes I mean I love snakes since I was a kid. Now I want to do a documentary on snake charmers, I would be happy with the suggestions given by the encouragers. You can email me. Thank you.
Pramod Singh:
Hi All,
Nice to work with her, we are together in this field since last 5 year. Her courage and sincerity in this job is appreciable.
Even government should come out with some financial & moral support for the lady who have dedicated her life for such benevolent cause.
She is always been showing ways to many youngsters.
keep it on Snehal. Cheers!!!
I'm from nashik. Can help you in opening a snake farm. contact 9373794294 , 9890294294
I am from jaipur. I want to start a snake farm in Jaipur. Tell me about govt processing in building a snake farm.
kishor kewat:
I want to know about the use of snake poison in medicine.
Hi..bravo Snehal..I wish each one of us understands his or her responsiibility towards these awesome predators..luv them
Nikunj V. Goenka:
I am very fond of snakes and have very much interest in that and by activity i am a wildlife photographer and have a good collection and would like to join ur team and would learn all the skills from you, so please kindly accept my request and send me the address of ur esteemed institution so that i can come and contact you and have some trainings from you please.
Hope you will accept my request. Thank you very much.
Adv.amol bhujade:
I am glad to see that someone is working hard to save the life of several kinds of snakes. The existence of some of the snakes are in danger Viz. King Cobra, of India, which is found in India only,is in danger. So we must protect these reptiles from being extinct.
Snehal Bhatt's one of India's great women & she is doing very great job in our city in Baroda.
I want to study herpetology but i've just passed 12th. what can I do ?please help me.
Abdur Rahim Ferdous:
I wish your success to set up a snake firm. It will give you financial & mental satisfaction. In future we may take your help to establish our dream. Bye
Chandra Shekhar:
I am big fa of her and want to get training from her. plz if any body knows, kindly tell me on my id plz, i want to save those snakes on my area, Uttarakhand
yadwinder singh:
I want to join your society to save snakes.
Mayur Pagar:
First to Salute Mrs Senhal Bhatt for becoming eyes & ears of wildlife. I am a passionate animal lover and want to be a part of it. So send me details of this society and to whom should I contact for the same.
I am from punjab. I am interested in this work. How can I join in this work plz send the instructions. So that I will potect the snakes.
I am anudha from Akola. I want to start snake farm at akola. can u help me.
Mob : 9420704799
my email id is
pradeep khanpara:
I want to became a good snake handler.i will try to make a big group of a snake handler. Because they are spread in various parts of gujarat and spread their knowledge and give much more information to our gujarati people bcz they wants first it.i m also snake handler. i want to work with u.pls help me to conserve our friends(any animal).mam your job is verry verry good.u r a ideal person to any one.
I am from India. I am interested in this work. How can I join in this work. plz send the instruction. I am interested wild life photography.
I am piyush from nainital. I want to start snake farm at nainital. can u help me. Mob : +919899690491 my email id is
sharath krishna:
Great job Snehal it is really a gem of work you are doing for the snakes. I really loved ur show on national geographic. It was really good. I have a great deal of interest in snakes and I watch every documentary on it and I always tell my friends about snakes and how to deal with snakes when encountered. But just let me know where could I find antivenom if bitten by any snakes.I stay in Mumbai.
gunjan soni:
hi!! mam i m from modasa(s.k.)....a good snake handler....studying in third year biotech @ rajkot....m interested to work with u in your organisation.
shiva bhardwaj:
hey.... Ms Bhatt ,,, sounds gud that still we have some kind people like you in our society.. who loves nature and as well as snakes. I also want to be a part of your job. do let me know how to apply for that or the name of the person with whom I can talk and also get into your organisation.
I want more information about snakes
I want to study about Indian snakes
vishal bakshi:
Hi snehal,
i m teacher in a school.....i m always attracted towards snakes..i hate when people kil these wonderful creatures of GOD.,,we should love and pay respect to these wonderful reptiles..i think we can teach our students right from their first day in school that we should treat animals as our friends.because its very hard to teach to an adult what to do and wht not to.if a child learns from its first day that snakes and all othr animals are our frinds ,his approch will b totaly diffrent.
Can we run this kind of programme in some schools ,,if so plz inform me,,,,i have contacts with almost 200 schools in this wonderful country
hey I am an engineering student in pune...I am really interested in snakes n would really like to help these amazing creatures..for this do I have to do any type of course or that can be learnt by working with them. plz tell
amol n:
Want to know govt rules & permissioms in building a snake farm & Is setting up a snake farm (snake venom) commercial viable ?
Suhas P:
Hi Snehal,
I am Suhas, a photographer, Reptile Enthusiast, Especially snakes, Adventurer and a nature lover n admirer to the core.
I saw you on Snake Wranglers on NGC on day before yesterday. I dont have any word to express my happiness. As you told on TV, I too wish all Indian women to be like Snehal. I too am into Snakes and nature conservation since 6 years, since I realized the importance of Mother earth and the resources including wild life. I can't say how much I LOVE SNAKES. I am trying to educate people and bring about an awareness regarding environment and espesially Snakes. I am Looking forward to meet you. There are very few people who really have dedicated their lives to wildlife and no doubt You are one amongst them.
It was really great to see you in this challenging and dangerous profession and I want to congradulate you from heart. A thousand thank you on behalf of so many lives you have rescued. Keep it going. Take care.
Suhas P,
Setting up snake farm is never a issue however getting the process into place is quite a herculine task as I still am keen on setting up a farm on the lines of the snake farm based in Chennai.
Ayushmaan Sharma:
Dear Snehal
I am a MBA student and wish to work for the same cause. I stay in Mumbai.
I saw your documentary on NatGeo I was so happy to see that someone here in our own country is working towards this.
Please guide ME
I want to prepare a Business proposal for setting up an NGO directed towards the devine cause you are working for please I need your guidance.
Any one reading this can also contribute so we can have a better life for those who cannot speak and ask(Snakes).
I think it is great for you to be saving animals. when I grow up I am going to be a veterinarian.
Even I am against cruelty to these species. They came on earth before us,they have equal right on nature. Even I want to start a n.g.o to help these species.
Deepak Sharma:
Dear Friends I stay in a place where every day many snakes get killed. and it hurts me very much as people are afraid of them, I am not too exp. into it so I am alone to protect them. If any one of you from Delhi could help me to save them or give me support I shall be thankful.
Mayur Burad:
Hi you are doing a great work. Wish best of luck for you. I am an student. I wish to join your ngo. So can you please tell me how can I join your ngo. Please do reply.
Ankit Shukla:
Keep it up.
hi mam u r doing a great job. salute u. me a soldier.want to do some job in ur can i start. can i ask for a reply
Dharamveer kanojia:
I am interested in opening snakefarm in Nagpur. Can you help me to know more about it.
I want to join with you and wanted to save many of snakes pls help me thank you
hi mam how u being hope ur doing great mam is tht possible i can start a snake farm in my hometown tht's belgaum or in pune please let me know wherein i'm very eargly waiting for the information it would would be superglad to get in touch with u may i have ur cell phone number however here is my cell no: 09665708169 if possible plz call me a s a p well mam i would be waiting for ur reply .
Feroz Khan:
Hello my name is Feroz Khan and i m 20 yrs n i m from GOA well i wanted to know about snake handling is there any person or any society in goa which can help me to learn more n mor about snakes n i m ready to do it.
Hi, my name is Merlin. from Kerala. I saw your documentary on NatGeo I was so happy to see that someone here in our own country is working towards this. I am very much interested in herpetology but I didnt get any chance to get in with it. As well as I am very much interested to join with you and save snakes. Please guide me.
I am from baroda and I am really happy that one girl can do it, I am proud of u dear. Thanks to god that u are born in Iindia keep it up, we all r with u, salute u bharat ratna.
Abhijeet Shinde:
Hi my name is Abhijeet & I am in mumbai. I want to join the Sarpamitr4a Sanstha and want to join the Training How to catch the Snakes.
hellow name is Darshan its 23/09/09 i watch your show on national geo. and i just loved it and th way u help those aminalz...who are in some sort of danger and specailly wid snakes..I also have great interst in helping animalz and I love snakes too...I just wana be the part of your Snake Saviour program and I look fwd to hear from you soon...Iwould be honoured if u accept me as your student and thank you for wonderful show.
Hi my name is Suhit & I am in Kheda. I want to join the Sanstha and want to join the Training How to catch the Snakes
hello mam
i m a snake friend from solapur. But due to some reasons i left solapur now i m in pune .If you know any snake group from pune then pls mail me contact no of that group on"" i want to join that group
Thank You!!.
Hi, my name is vipul gamit. from south gujart tapi. I am interested in opening snakefarm in my village.If you know any snake group from tapi dirstrict then pls. inform me.
I love snake and nature.
shubhendu abhishek:
I am really glad to see your effort in saving wildlife.actully i passed my 12th board exams last year from bokaro steel city (jharkhand) & i was really willing yo be a part of your can you kindly make me a part of this family?
I am French and I'm going to India.
I raise and I protect snakes for over 15 years.
I admire the great work done by Snehal Bhatt and I want to meet her.
Can I have an email address or other to be able to contact?
Thank you for your help.
I am very found of wild life and want to work with them. You are my inspiration. So please show me the right way I will be very obliged. Thankyou.
Snehaji I am really proud of you. India is also proud of you. I saw your interview on national geographic it was superb. You are doing a great work.
sudeep goswami:
Snake is the loveliest creature that has been created on the Earth. Mam can you teach me how to catch them and release them in the nature. I stay near Bharuch.If you run any such classes please let me know.
Hi Snehal
Recently I saw your programme in national geographic. I am from Coorg in Karnataka, real habitat of king cobra. If you want to enjoy our beautiful nature as a snake wrangler most respectfully I invite you.
hey sneha
Just saw a documentary on national geographic channel. Awesome. I am a big fan of yours. I am from Mangalore, Karnataka. You should organise a camp in Mangalore, would love to be a part of it. Keep up the great work.
Ravi Lal sharma:
Snehalji you'r doing a great job and I need some help. Whenever I see snake in those dirty hands of "saperas" I feel very bad about this but sadly I can't help it. Please let me know the role of forest dep. and the whole procedure for making these precious life free.
Hi I am from Gurgaon and I am crazy about snakes and crocodiles and want to study about them.
Hello guys I want to learn this and I am from mumbai. Can any one please help me?
Dr. Dhanraj Puri:
I"m from nasik (maharastra). I love snakes, snakes are the most beautiful animal in nature . I want to save them.
deepak sharma:
hi!snehal mam.! I m from shegaon(buldhana). I have seen u on discovery channel and from that day u have become the most respectful person for me. I have done some of the programmes in schools of shegaon for creating awareness about the benefits of snakes to nature, in minds of students. I am a LLB final year student and I dont want to make my career in this field. I want to make my career in snake rescue.
Hi, my name is Rohit joshi from Pune. I want to join the sarpmitra sanstha & want to join the training.
I love snakes.I am just crazy about them.
I want to save them.Please guide me.I think they are the best creatures god has ever created and we are destroying them at the expense of nothing which has to be stopped.Please help me to save snakes.
Bhavesh Ratanpal:
Hi Snehal,
I am really glad that you are doing such a noble job in our city. I am from Baroda and also employed here itself.
I would really like to give a helping hand if required by you as one of the volunteers to support you in this cause....
I would like to help you and join you as a trainee.
I love snakes, anyone who protects them is a friend in my eyes :)
aruna patel:
Hi , i am from Baroda. I love animals and also very impresed with you.
Raj Ekka:
Snehalji, I am a great fan of yours. You are doing a great job. I need a favour from you. I want to become herpelogist and I need guidance by you. Please help me.
I want to start snake farm in Jaipur. I have my own land. Can you tell me the legal process to start it.
Snakes have evoked awe and curiosity in all lands, but in India they have been associated with mysticism, apart from being objects of fear. Beside snakes I am even an animal lover and want to be between animals, to care for them, and do something more for them. I am just searching for the right place to be with them, please suggest what to do and how to be among them.
Snehalji you'r doing a great job. I think snakes can be helped by opening SNAKE FARM across the country.
biswa pratap:
I am also a snake catcher 20 years old
since from 4 years. I have rescued many Indian snakes and also have saved lives of people.
Mithun Dutta:
hi snehal..
U r doing a great job.. I too want to learn the techniques to catch snakes and rescue them, I mean I want to join you on this valuable effort. I love this creature very much. And I love to photograph them also.
With regards- Mithun Dutta..
Jai Raj:
It is nice to learn that so many people are concerned for the cause of saving snakes ! I am Jai Raj, Addl. PCCF, in Uttarakhand Forest Department based in Dehra Dun. I have started a helpline for saving snakes in the State. Forest personnel are being trained in handling snakes with the help of a NGO. The idea is that whereever and whenever we get a call of snake's presence in a house our men go and rescue it. I would like to appeal all that kindly inform the local forest officials in case you are unable to handle the presence of a snake! But in no case the animal should be killed.
vasant jain:
Hello mam,
My name is vasant jain from baroda, madam I want to join u for the training of snake handler.. Just want to get trained so I can save them.. Please madam say me so I can join u as soon as possible.
Waiting for your positive reply.
Thanks my no. Is 9904132848
Please mail or contact me..
Thanks once again
vasant jain:
Hello mam,
My name is vasant jain from baroda, madam I want to join u for the training of snake handler.. Just want to get trained so I can save them.. Please madam say me so I can join u as soon as possible.
Waiting for your positive reply.
Thanks my no. Is 9904132848
Please mail or contact me..
Thanks once again
Nikhil shinde, nasik.:
I love snakes and when people kill them infront of me,I feel ashamed. I live in such a area in nasik where there are so many farms and so many snakes.
vasant jain:
please am waiting for ur reply.
i want to get trained so please..
please mam please reply as soon as possible..
sonu jha:
I am a snake lover and animals lover, I like to catch snake and protect them from people who kill them. I live in Vaodara and there are many snakes. I want to help them.
Sagar pawar:
I want to protect the snakes I catch as I don't want people to kill them. Please Advice.
arun kadam:
Dear mam, I name is arun kadam from mumbai.I want training for snake handling. will you please help me?
Jatin Parmar:
I love snakes n want to contribute by giving back smething to the society. I want to become a part time snake rescuer. If there are any training programme regarding this plz contact me. I dnt want this beautiful animal to become a history like dinosaurs.
First of all hats off to you as you are doing great job to save nature. I am nature lover as well as photographer. I want to learn & join your society. Please advise me where to go in Vadodara.