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Select a Standard
Growing up with time (Std I)
Know Your Body (Std I)
Discover the word (Std II)
Get the pests – you are the best (Std II)
Unscramble the jumble (Std III)
Teething Problems (Std III)
Starch in Me? (Std IV)
Internal Affairs (Std IV)
Food Web (Std V)
The sky above you (Std V)
Crystal Creation (Std VI)
We are there but cannot be seen (Std VI)
Formula of chemical compounds (Std VII)
Element word search (Std VII)
Discover the word (Std II)
This activity can be conducted in the class after the lesson on ‘The planet we live on’ is completed. Objectives
To help students to
  • identify various objects given in the picture
  • spell the words correctly
  • arrange the circled letters in the order in which the pictures appear, to obtain the key words.
  • name other objects found on the Earth.
Materials required
  • Pictures of a rock, mountain, stream, well, animals, desert, forest and house pasted on a chart, as shown.

What's in Anchor

  • Display the chart on the board.
    Note: If possible photocopy the chart and give one copy to each child..
  • Make the session interactive by asking different children to
    i)identify the picture and name it
    ii)write down the word in the blanks provided
    iii)arrange the letters in the circles in the order in which the pictures appear, to form the phrase.
    iv)complete the statement using the word obtained. Through questions, elicit the other things that are found on the Earth.