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Select a Standard
The Co-ordinates – A Game
Geo-Engine (Std I)
Rythmic Maths (Std I)
Adding in many ways (Std I)
Calculative Colouring (Std II)
Number Race (Std II)
Mental Trial (Std III)
Time story (Std III)
Calendar (Std IV)
Division of three-digit numbers (Std IV)
Mathematically speaking (Std V)
What makes 100 % ? (Std V)
Weight Check (Std VI)
Ratio (Std VI)
Park Survey (Std VII)
Ratio Quiz (Std VII)
Mental Trial (Std III)
This activity can be given to the students after the completing the chapters ‘Multiplication and Division’.  This is designed to give an opportunity for children to do arithmetic mentally. As it is done in a novel way, the children will surely enjoy it.
  • mentally multiply and divide
  • follow the instruction to trace the path and complete the activity.
Materials Required
  •  Required number of photocopies of the grid

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Instruction to teachers

  • Give a photocopy of the grid to each child or draw it on piece of wide cardboard and display it. (The grid should be clearly visible to all the students) 

  • Explain the rules of the activity


  • The activity begins at the point marked ‘START’

  • Direction of the arrow marks have to be followed

  • Numbers have to be
    i) multiplied as they move vertically
    ii) divided as they move horizontally

  • Help them recall how a number is divided by 2 ,10 etc.

  • Tell them that they are not supposed to use paper and pen and are supposed to do all calculations mentally.

  • Set a convenient time limit for this activity.

  • Finally, let them compare their answers

  • Initiate a discussion to clarify their doubt, identify the mistakes and explain the correct method.