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Select a Standard
The Co-ordinates – A Game
Geo-Engine (Std I)
Rythmic Maths (Std I)
Adding in many ways (Std I)
Calculative Colouring (Std II)
Number Race (Std II)
Mental Trial (Std III)
Time story (Std III)
Calendar (Std IV)
Division of three-digit numbers (Std IV)
Mathematically speaking (Std V)
What makes 100 % ? (Std V)
Weight Check (Std VI)
Ratio (Std VI)
Park Survey (Std VII)
Ratio Quiz (Std VII)
What makes 100 % ? (Std V)
This activity can be given to students after they are familiar with the topics on fractions, decimals and percents. It can prove to be very useful in giving children a good practice in “conversion’.
To help students to :
i) identify fractions, decimals and percents.
ii) convert fractions to decimals and percents and vice-versa.
iii) try-out possible combinations which when added total up to 100 %. 

What's in Anchor

Instructions to teachers:
Draw a table with ten rows and ten columns on the blackboard. Fill up the boxes with fractions, decimals and percents as shown below. However, to start with, smaller tables i.e. 5 ´ 5 or 4 ´ 4 may be considered.
Group Activity:
Give the illustration shown below and ask the students find out as many combinations as possible
(That is, a fraction, a decimal, a percent) that total up to 100%.
For example, 0.15 + 60% + = 15% + 60% + 25% = 100%
68% 1/2 60% 1/20 1% 0.9 0.04 13/20 1/7 25%
55% 16% 3/25 0.02 1/9 0.15 1/8 24% 0.44 0.75
1/6 0.06 1/4 29% 0.037 1/3 19% 17/50 1/5 1/8
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(Fill up the remaining seven rows and ten colomns in the same way.)
Individual activity:
Ask each child to write a 10 ´ 10 table in his / her book with different fractions, decimals and percents, and find out as many combinations as possible, which total to 100%. The one who does more number of such conversions is the winner. To make the activity a little competitive, set a time limit.