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Select a Standard
The Co-ordinates – A Game
Geo-Engine (Std I)
Rythmic Maths (Std I)
Adding in many ways (Std I)
Calculative Colouring (Std II)
Number Race (Std II)
Mental Trial (Std III)
Time story (Std III)
Calendar (Std IV)
Division of three-digit numbers (Std IV)
Mathematically speaking (Std V)
What makes 100 % ? (Std V)
Weight Check (Std VI)
Ratio (Std VI)
Park Survey (Std VII)
Ratio Quiz (Std VII)
Geo-Engine (Std I)
This activity can be given as a follow-up activity after the children have learnt the chapter on “Shapes”. 
To help the students to:
i) identify different geometrical shapes.
ii) apply colours to each shape as directed.

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Instructions to teachers:
Make enlarged photocopies of the diagram given below and distribute them amongst the students.

Give the following instructions clearly:
i) Identify different geometrical shapes and name them (orally).
ii) Count each shape and write how many.
iii) Colour the shapes as mentioned. ( R – Red, Y – Yellow, B – Blue)